Amazon: Highly rated Pantene Pro-V Expert Collection Agedefy Shampoo 10.1 Fl Oz only $1.24 shipped

Great prices on these 2 Pantene Pro-V Expert Collection shampoo at Amazon after the $3 coupon! Offer ends 1/24.

Pantene Pro-V Expert Collection Agedefy Shampoo 10.1 Fl Oz currently is $4.99, regular price $8.99. After the $3 coupon, price drops to $1.99. It’s an add-on item which means your minimum order should be $25. BUT, if you use subscribe and save, let’s say 15% off, then you get the price of $4.24, after $3 coupon, final price $1.24 + tax! Shipping is free with S&S. Cancel S&S anytime after you receive the order! This is a highly rated and popular shampoo.

Pantene Pro-V Advanced+ Volume Boost Shampoo 10.1 Fl Oz is on sale for $5, regular price $8.99. After $3 coupon, you get the price of $2. No S&S for this one, it’s an add-on item. It’s still a great deal! Use it as you $35 minimum order filler!